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With the International Brain Initiative (IBI) Declaration of Intent established and brain projects around the world committed to the effort, the IBI Coordinating Body was positioned to make headway on establishing a vision statement, an organizing framework for the IBI, and focused working groups. All International Brain Initiative attendees participated in both the IBI sessions and the presentations at the Korea Brain Research Institute and the Korea National Assembly.



10-11 May 2018


Korea Brain Research Institute, Daegu
Korea National Assembly, Seoul



Amy Adams, U.S. BRAIN Initiative – National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS/NIH)
Yves De Koninck, Canada Brain Research Strategy
Jiulin Du, China Brain Project
Melina Hale, IBI Working Group – Inventory of Brain Initiatives
Michael Hausser, University College London
Sung-Jin Jeong, Korea Brain Initiative
Bong-Kiun KaangInternational Brain Research Organization (IBRO)
Kyungjin Kim, Korea Brain Project
Linda Lanyon, International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Organization (INCF)
Caroline Montojo, The Kavli Foundation
Shigeo Okabe, Japan Brain/MINDS
Sridhar Raghavachari, U.S. BRAIN Initiative – National Science Foundation (NSF)
Linda Richards, Australian Brain Initiative
Karen Rommelfanger, IBI Working Group – Neuroethics

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